Sacred Moments
Welcome to the first installment of my blog, “Hope Speaks Softly”. This is something that has been on my heart for a very long time, and I am excited to share some of the things that I have learned on my journey thus far.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel invisible. You know what I mean. Lost in the crowd. One wisp of wind on a Spring afternoon, unappreciated, unnoticed, unimportant.
On these down days, the moments when I really pause to reflect, I have to wonder if, when all is said and done, would I be missed? Would someone look up one day and say, “I wonder whatever became of that person who I used to see in church every Sunday or sitting in the diner having a coffee with a friend, or even the one who once told me how pretty I looked in my new earrings.”
Such things aren’t really that important in the grand scheme of things, but in my woeful moments, in my questioning spirit, during the heavy heart times when all seems for naught, I try to ponder the deeper truths about the people we meet along our sojourn here. Perhaps my presence, or yours, came at a time when someone else, known to us or not, was in need of the exact thing that we had to offer in that moment.
Some moments can be like ripples in time that escape our attention, but are deeply felt by someone who is lonely, or in pain, or feeling invisible themselves. And at those times, in those sacred moments that are so quickly forgotten by us, someone else’s prayer may have been heard, and the answer might have been you.
I truly believe that the thing we all need and search for and try to hang on to, whether or not we realize it, is hope. Hope in a world full of darkness and fear and unkindness and loneliness.
Hope is a beacon. A lighthouse for a wandering fisherman, a flash of clarity when all seems lost. It brings comfort and release and puts things in perspective.
I have hope that I will deeply touch someone’s life and ease their burden. I have hope that I will fulfill my life’s purpose rather than live in mediocrity, and I have hope that tomorrow will be better than today. Though the dawn remains hidden at the moment, it will come. Just as hope speaks softly, so too the weary spirit is reborn.