Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?
One often hears it argued that Christians should not be involved in politics. Those making the argument usually try to support it by citing separation of church and state. However, in doing so, they conveniently forget that most Christians living in the United States are also citizens. And citizens in our country have both a privilege and a responsibility to be involved in politics.
It is relatively easy to understand why non-Christians would want to keep Christians out of the political process, but many Christians also resist becoming politically active. They may argue that Jesus did not involve himself with politics, or they may mention what Paul said about soldiers not becoming entangled in civilian affairs (2 Tim 2:4).
However, we should also remember that both Jesus and Paul lived under a system of government that differed greatly from our own. The Roman government did not seek citizen input, only citizen compliance. In contrast, the framers of our system of government designed it to require the active involvement of its citizens.
Since Christians living under Roman rule had no say in government, they had no personal political involvement to interfere with their focus on living the Christian life and sharing the good news. However, God has given Christians living in the United States (and other representative democracies) a voice and a vote (Romans 13:1), and this can make living the Christian life in these places more complicated.
I can completely understand why many Christians do not want to get their hands dirty in the political arena. Politics can be messy and ugly. But refusing to use our voice and our vote is like taking what God has given us and burying it in the ground (Mt 25:14-30). At the end of our life, we want to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” We certainly do not want to be thrown into the outer darkness for squandering the opportunity God gave us.
Our voice and our vote are not insignificant. Most Christians would not question our responsibility to intercede for others in prayer, but some may not consider that God can also use our political involvement to provide for His people. Faith and politics can both bring change. Faith produces inward change that results in outward change. Politics legislates outward change, using rewards and punishments to secure compliance.
Faithfulness requires that we use the gifts and opportunities we have been given, and that we do our best to fulfill all of our God-given responsibilities in every area of our lives, including in our families, churches, communities, and government. This requires that we be engaged in both faith and politics.
Faith and politics are both part of God’s plan. Of course, we must never place our faith in politics. While using our voice and our vote, we must always keep our trust in God, being careful to obey Him and follow His plan. This includes making it a top priority to disciple the believers and evangelize the culture. For better or for worse, as the culture changes, politics will also change.
For those Christians who remain unconvinced, you can attempt to distance yourselves from the political process, but you will not escape the stink. Our land has become polluted and there is no place left to run and hide. Our churches and our nation are both in decline, and this decline will continue until God decides it is time for renewal. However, even during decline, faithful Christians can make a difference by becoming actively involved in being salt and light amidst the decay and darkness.
Be encouraged. Total decline is not inevitable. Renewal is possible. If it comes, it will come in God’s time and for His purposes. And even if we do not see it within our lifetime, we have the assurance that God is causing all things to work together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Even times of decline will ultimately be used by God for our benefit.
So, whether we experience decline or renewal, let us be faithful to the tasks we have been given. And if the task seems too difficult, let us not worry. If we will trust God, He will do the heavy lifting.